Avo4SF Device Fields Package

Add-on package to Avo4SF that allows for tracking live chat device data on Contact and Leads

The Avo4SF Device Fields package is an unlocked package that works as an add-on to your Avochato for Salesforce package, and allows you to track live chat device information within the Lead, Contact and Person Account.

Note that you must have the main Avochato for Salesforce package installed in order to install the device fields package into your Salesforce org.

This article walks you through the ins and outs of this package.

Package Overview

Device Fields on Contact & Lead

This package is a special add-on package that installs several new custom fields to your Salesforce org, including:

Field API Name
Avochato Browser Version
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Browser
string (60)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Device Type
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Device
string (60)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato IP
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato OS Version
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato OS
string (20)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Ticket Id
string (120)
Unique identifier for Avochato live chat conversations
Avochato Widget Dropdown
string (40)
The answer given to the live chat widget dropdown question
Avochato Widget Referral URL
The full URL of the page where this live chat started. Includes URL parameters.

How to Install

Install the Package

Use the following link to install the latest Avo4SF Device Fields unlocked package.

Want to try on sandbox first? Use this sandbox installation link to get started!

When prompted for the password, use the password: avo4sfDFver1.0

Note: Select the “Install for All Users” option, as well as within the Advanced Options → “Compile only the Apex in the package” option. That will ensure the unit tests pass and that the package installs in a timely manner.
Notion image

Post Install Permissions (Required)

Once the Device Fields package is installed, there’s a few field level security permissions that need to be adjusted to expose the new custom fields to your Salesforce automation and users.

Although you can configure these permissions with your own Profile or Permission Set adjustments, we suggest making the following adjustments:

  • Go into the Avochato Connected App User permission set, click into Object Settings → Contacts
    • Edit the field level permissions that you would like all your Avo4SF users to have for each of the new custom fields. Here’s a sample of those permissions below. Click Save.
      • Notion image
  • Repeat the steps above on Object Settings → Lead if your team uses Salesforce Leads.

Page Layout adjustments

If you’re using these new Contact or Lead device custom fields, edit the active Page Layout associated with the Contact/Lead and add the device fields onto the page. We suggest adding a “Avochato Device Info” section, as demonstrated below:

Notion image

Important Fine Print

Some important notes about this package:

  • This is an unlocked package that’s not officially on the AppExchange. It has not passed an official Security Review - the installer uses it at their own risk.
    • With that being said, we are SOC 2 compliant, always follow secure development practices.
  • Being an unlocked package means that the installing SFDC org can see the code and make modifications as if the installing org created it themselves.
    • This gives you flexibility to make additional tweaks and enhancements that suit your specific SF org and use cases.
    • If you’ve made custom changes to the package on your org, newer versions of the package will overwrite those changes.
      • Only install a newer version of the Avo4SF Device Fields package if you haven’t made any modifications to the existing components of the package (or are 100% comfortable with any updates that might delete those custom modifications).
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