Avochato for Salesforce

Data Sync

Setup Avochato Data Sync and Avochato API Credentials for Salesforce

Connect Avochato to Salesforce and enable the data sync and other power features via the API

Avochato for Salesforce - Data Syncing & Custom Object Support

What happens next after hitting connect production/sandbox and how does sync works and available configuration options.

List View Syncing to Avochato Contacts

Use a Salesforce List View to sync your records of interest to Avochato contacts

Avochato for Salesforce – Field Syncing

Sync custom field data between Avochato and Salesforce.

Text-to-Case: Avochato’s Service Cloud Integration

Integrate to Service Cloud using our text to case feature for seamless a work flow.

Creating Case Dispositions in Salesforce

Steps to create new dispositions, both type and subtype, in Salesforce that can be attributed to cases and to Avochato post chat surveys.

Syncing Pre-Chat Data to Salesforce Cases

Sync information collected via widget to a case automatically.

Connect Multiple Inboxes to the Salesforce Data Sync

Have more than five Avochato Inboxes? Learn how to connect them all to Salesforce on the same data connection

Avochato Activity Data Syncing to Salesforce

Sync message activities to Salesforce in realtime or group them together into a conversation transcript

Custom Field Avochato ←→ Salesforce Sync Behavior

Sync custom fields from Avochato to Salesforce and vice versa

Import Salesforce Custom Fields to Avochato

Add custom field data from your Salesforce account to your Avochato account