API and Webhooks

Robust messaging API & webhooks to send and receive SMS messages directly within your applications.


Avochato offers robust messaging API & webhooks to send and receive SMS messages directly within your applications. Access is available in all standard subscription plans.

API Overview

The secure Avochato API allows you to execute the same functions within our app programmatically using your favorite language. Send text messages, sync contact data, manage conversation status, send broadcasts, log history and send activity logs to external apps + much more. Our API is built to handle volume at scale. Setup is a simple process after generating your API keys.

Common use cases include sending messages, syncing contact data, and fetching and logging conversation history.

API Documentation

Learn how to generate API tokens and leverage the Avochato API here. Questions? Reach out to our support team.


Avochato provides Inbound and Outbound message webhook along with a Contact out opt out and opt in webhook. 

Webhook Logs section includes filtering by a response code family. This makes it easier to see all responses matching a particular code (ex: 403, 404, 400) instead of one specific code.

In the Avochato app, there are real-time logs for all of your webhook requests. This is accessible in an Account -> Logs, scroll down to access the link “View Webhook logs”

Notion image

Additionally, if you’re using Avochato’s live chat widget, Widgets can have a webhook URL configured. The webhook URL will receive all the data around widget submission.

  • You can search messages (including scheduled messages) by webhook to list every message that attempted to sync data to a particular webhook URL.
  • Message Logs now link to Webhook Logs (and vice versa) for easier navigation to this section of the app
    • The Webhook Logs includes filtering by a response code family. This makes it easier to see *all* responses matching a particular code (ex: 403, 404, 400) instead of one specific code.
  • If you’re using Avochato’s live chat widget, Widgets can have a webhook URL configured. The webhook URL will receive all the data around widget submission (including all fields, browser and device data, etc.) when the widget is successfully submitted.
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