Login issues on the AppExchange

See some helpful steps to properly log into the Salesforce AppExchange

Login Issues

When trying to log into the AppExchange, you may experience difficulties in navigating to your package installations and subscriptions page.

Here are a few options you can try to properly log into the AppExchange and see your Avochato subscription.

Confirm Salesforce Production Credentials Login

The AppExchange uses a “trailhead.me” profile to sign into the AppExchange. You may have a few different trailhead.me profiles, and only one of them can be connected to your Salesforce Production credentials.

In order to confirm you are logged into Salesforce via the production credentials, click the Log In button on the upper right side of the AppExchange landing page. If you’ve signed in before, use the “Login with Salesforce” option:

Login with Salesforce button
Login with Salesforce button

…or it may prompt you with a few different options on how to sign into the AppExchange, like using SSO from Google or LinkedIn. Choose the “Salesforce” button login option, and there you can enter in your Salesforce production Username and Password:

Choose the “Salesforce” login button
Choose the “Salesforce” login button

Those credentials will link the AppExchange login to your actual Salesforce production org, and allow you to purchase and adjust AppExchange packages for your Production environment.

If you were previously logged into the AppExchange and are having issues finding your AppExchange subscriptions, logout of the AppExchange, and re-log into the AppExchange using the Salesforce button

Web Browser Options

The state of your current browser (and its cache) may not be allowing you to log into the AppExchange site properly.


If you are using Google Chrome, you can try the following options:

  1. Clear the Cache on your Chrome browser, and then reattempt to log into the AppExchange. Clearing the cache will effectively log you out of everything in Chrome, but gives you a "clean slate" when accessing the AppExchange. Then use this link (https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxmyaccount) to try and login with your Salesforce Production credentials. Do not use the other SSO options like LinkedIn, Google etc, as they may connect to a personal Trailhead.me account, and not your Salesforce Production account.
  1. Try using this link which jumps you to your AppExchange subscriptions in the Firefox browser and attempt to log into the AppExchange from there.
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