Avochato for Salesforce – Field Syncing

Sync custom field data between Avochato and Salesforce.

Avochato ⇒ Salesforce custom fields sync

You can sync any Avochato custom field data into Salesforce custom fields, and vise versa, using Avochato custom fields.

Import custom fields based on Salesforce schema

Already have rich custom fields within Salesforce that you’d like to import into Avochato custom fields? Follow this help article to see how to copy over your Salesforce custom fields into Avochato.

Manually create Avochato Custom Fields

Go into Avochato → Settings → Custom Fields to see a list of your Avochato custom fields, as well as to add new custom fields.

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Once an Avochato custom field has been created, select the checkbox to sync the data over to the Salesforce record, and specify the exact Salesforce custom field API name to sync to:

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Once this link is established, that Avochato data will sync over to the Salesforce record. You can set up as many custom field connection as you like!

Custom Field Sync Behavior

You can choose on a field by field basis how the Avochato <> Salesforce sync should behave, whether you’d like a bidirectional two-way sync between the platforms, or to have only one-way data transfer for a particular field. Read here to see all your options and how to adjust the settings.

Packaged field syncing

Avochato for Salesforce provides several fields as part of the package that automatically sync data from Avochato to Salesforce. The Avochato permission sets already setup field-level visibility so that Avo4SF users in Salesforce should be able to see the synced data.

Task Field Syncing

We sync several pieces of data to the SFDC Task activity anytime messages, calls, or conversations are transcribed. The data synced over is aligned with the data you would expect from the Avochato API - Send Message API endpoint.

Below is a list of the data synced over to Avochato generated task activities:

API Name
Avochato Broadcast Id
The broadcast this activity was sent on behalf of. (Only populates if it was part of a broadcast)
Avochato Channel
The channel where the activity took place (SMS, WhatsApp, Live Chat, etc)
Avochato Contact Id
The Avochato Contact that's associated this activity
Avochato Direction
The inbound or outbound direction the activity
Avochato Element Id
The Avochato Ticket/Event Id that generated this activity
Avochato Element Type
The type of this Avochato activity (Ticket, SmsMessage, etc)
Avochato From
The phone number this activity was sent from
Avochato Origin
The Origin of this activity (API, Broadcast, SMS, Slack, etc)
Avochato Sent At
The timestamp of the exact time this activity was sent
Avochato Sent By
Represents who sent this activity
Avochato Convo Status
Represents the status on the Avochato conversation when the activity happened (New, Open, Pending, Closed)
Avochato Subdomain
The Avochato Account/Inbox that generated this activity
Avochato Tags
Tags synced over from the Avochato conversation (Only synced on SFDC Case Conversation Transcriptions)
Avochato To
The destination phone number this activity was sent to

SFDC Standard Object Field Syncing

Below is a list of all the fields provided in the standard Avochato for Salesforce data sync, listed in the format Field Label (Field API Name) - Field Type:


SMS Opt Out (Avochato__SMS_Opt_Out__c) – Checkbox

Avochato Tags (Avochato__Tags__c) – Text

Avochato Conversation URL (Avochato__Conversation_URL__c) - URL

Avochato Convo Status (Avochato__Status__c) - Text

Avochato Contact Id (Avochato__Contact_Id__c) - Text

Avochato Subdomain (Avochato__Subdomain__c) - Text

Created by Avochato (Avochato__Created_by_Avochato__c) - Checkbox


SMS Opt Out (Avochato__SMS_Opt_Out__c) – Checkbox

Avochato Tags (Avochato__Tags__c) – Text

Avochato Conversation URL (Avochato__Conversation_URL__c) - URL

Avochato Convo Status (Avochato__Status__c) - Text

Avochato Contact Id (Avochato__Contact_Id__c) - Text

Avochato Subdomain (Avochato__Subdomain__c) - Text

Created by Avochato (Avochato__Created_by_Avochato__c) - Checkbox


Avochato Convo Status (Avochato__Status__c) - Text

Avochato Tags (Avochato__Tags__c) – Text

Avochato Ticket Id (Avochato__Ticket_Id__c) – Text

1. SMS Opt Out

Anytime an Avochato Contact has opted out of SMS communications (whether via a “STOP” reply or manually marked within the Avochato contact), that is synced over to the Contact/Lead’s SMS Opt Out field.

There is also an option in the data sync settings to sync the opt out to a custom field in your Salesforce org:

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Notion image

2. Avochato Tags

Avochato contacts can be marked with relevant tags to help categorize the nature of the contact or conversation. Those tags automatically sync over to the associated Salesforce Lead, Contact or Case, as per your Salesforce Settings preferences in Avochato.

If you’re syncing Avochato to a Salesforce object other than a Lead, Contact or Case, whether it is a standard or custom object, you can create your own custom field called Avochato_Tags__c on the custom object, and that tag data will sync over as expected! See the Custom field syncing section for instructions on how to create this field.

3. Avochato Ticket Id

When using the Sync to Salesforce Cases setting, this Avochato Ticket Id field tracks which Avochato conversation is associated with the current case. This is tracked in the background to ensure the Avo4SF component brings up the correct Avochato conversation when viewing a Salesforce case

4. Avochato Conversation URL

A simple link to the Avochato conversation, and can be used as a unique identifier for the conversation that it’s associated with.

5. Avochato Convo Status

Every Avochato conversation has a status associated with it, with one of the following statuses: New; Open; Pending; Closed. This can be useful within Salesforce to keep track of what cases / contacts still have open Avochato conversations, and can be used to trigger Salesforce automation (like a notification reminder to your internal users when a conversation stays open for more than 24 hours, etc).

6. Avochato Subdomain

Also known as the Avochato Account or Avochato Inbox, the Avochato Subdomain stores the inbox that the conversation is associated with. This is particularly helpful when you have multiple inboxes in use across your team, and being able to identify which inbox this conversation came from.

7. Avochato Contact ID

This represents the Avochato Contact Id, which can be used to query and update the Avochato Contact using the Avochato API.

8. Created by Avochato

This is a checkbox that is automatically marked true anytime the Avo4SF integration is responsible for creating the SF record.

For custom objects, you can create your own Created_by_Avochato__c checkbox field to automatically capture this information


Case Device Field Syncing

If you use live chat, and have enabled the Service Cloud integration to automatically create Salesforce cases with every new conversation, the device data is saved to the Salesforce Case.

See the table below for all the device fields supported on Salesforce Cases.

Field API Name
Avochato Browser Version
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Browser
string (60)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Device Type
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Device
string (60)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato IP
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato OS Version
string (40)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato OS
string (20)
Info based on the live chat device
Avochato Ticket Id
string (120)
Unique identifier for Avochato live chat conversations
Avochato Widget Dropdown
string (40)
The answer given to the live chat widget dropdown question
Avochato Widget Referral URL
The full URL of the page where this live chat started. Includes URL parameters.

Check out our Avo4SF device field package if you’d like to add the same device fields to Salesforce Leads and Contacts.

Additional Custom Field Syncing

Whichever object that Avochato syncs record to in Salesforce, you can add a few other custom fields to Salesforce in order to capture more information about the particular Avochato conversation & contact, like the Avochato account / inbox that had the most recent conversation, the Avochato Contact Id, and the URL link to the Avochato conversation.

To get started, first check your Avochato Salesforce settings in the Object Type section, which will specify the Salesforce object sync settings.

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When “Default” is selected, it syncs to Salesforce Contacts and Leads, matching by phone number, but you may sync data and activities directly to an Account, Opportunity, or any other Salesforce object. See more advanced setup details in this Data Syncing & Custom Object Support article.

Within Salesforce, go to Setup → Object Manager and select that Salesforce Object Avochato is syncing to.

Below are the supported custom fields you can sync data over to:

  1. Avochato (Avochato__c) – URL
  1. Avochato Subdomain (Avochato_Subdomain__c) – Text(80)
  1. Avochato Contact Id (Avochato_Contact_Id__c) – Text(20)
  1. Avochato Tags (Avochato_Tags__c) – Text(255), or Long Text Area if you need to save a long list of tags
  1. Created by Avochato (Created_by_Avochato__c) - Checkbox

Create them with the field API name specified in parentheses and make sure they are visible to the appropriate SFDC profiles, and then they just work!

If you’re new to creating Salesforce custom fields, watch this video from Salesforce to see a nice tutorial from start to finish.

AvoAI Sentiment & Summary Sync

If you’ve enabled AI capabilities within Avochato, called AvoAI, there are several AI generated data points that can sync to Salesforce. See the table below to see what fields and data are available for syncing:

All the fields below are supposed on the following SObjects: Lead, Contact, Case, Task

API Name
Avochato Rating
The sentiment rating associated with the conversation, between 1 and 10
Avochato Sentiment Summary
A quick highlight of what happened in the recent Avochato conversation
Avochato Actions
The recommended next step actions detected by the sentiment analysis
Avochato Convo Summary*
Long Text(3000)
The full recap of the recent Avochato conversation

*Note: To generate the full ticket summaries, you must enable AvoAI Summaries within the Avochato → Integrations → Salesforce Settings.

Unfamiliar with Avochato’s AI capabilities? See this help article to learn more about AvoAI and to get started with your first Avobot 🚀
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