Inbox Filters, Sort & Search
Sort and filter your inbox by a number of variables.
Avochato allows you to sort & filter the inbox by a number of variables and operators to make it easier for you and your team to view relevant conversations.

What can I search by?
You can use the following search operators to refine your search. Please note that the search will be case sensitive.
- Tags:
tags: "sample tag"
The search will be case sensitive and will search the tags for the word you only specified. For example, if you search “red”, those with tags like “red color” or “redpaint” will not show up, only conversations that exactly has “red” will be shown.

- Unassigned Owner:
Useful for finding tickets without a contact owner. This also works in the inbox. Note that contact owner is different than ticket assignee.
- Message:
message: "sample message"
This will search the “sample message” inside conversations. For example, if you search for “avocado”, it will show all conversations that had the word “avocado” in the messages.
- Contact Owner:
You can filter the inbox with all tickets whose contact is owned by a user using the above operator
- Custom fields:
For example, if you have a custom field for “favorite_food” and you’re trying to find conversations for all contacts that have “french fries”, you would enter the following into the search bar fields:"favorite_food=french fries"
To know more about custom fields, click here.
What can I filter by?
- Status: New, Open, Closed, or Pending
- Assignee: Filter tickets owned by a specific user
- Channel: SMS, Live Chat & WhatsApp
- Unresponded Only: Show tickets that your team has not yet responded to
- Unaddressed Only: Show tickets that have not been responded to, or have not been marked as addressed
- Last Activity After: Pick a date range after a specified date
- Last Activity Before: Pick a date range before a specified date
Tutorial Video
What can I sort by?
Sort by Most Recent Activity
This is the default inbox sorting. It shows the conversation with the most recent messages (or phone calls) at the top of your inbox. Use this sorting to get a real-time glance at what your agents are working on.
Sort by Oldest Activity
This is the opposite of most recent activity. This option shows the conversation with the oldest last message sent. This is the same functionality as the filter formerly known as “Oldest First.”
Sort by Longest Wait Time
When this option is selected, you’ll automatically filter to “Unaddressed Only”. A ticket becomes unaddressed when a new message comes in, and no human has sent a response yet. When you sort by longest wait time, the ticket that has been unaddressed for the longest period of time will be displayed at the top of your inbox.
Sort by Highest Contact Priority
Selecting this option will sort the inbox from the highest to lowest contact priority followed by latest activity. You can set a contact’s priority in the contact’s profile. Priority is denoted by stars where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
Sort by Highest Sentiment
Selecting this option will sort the inbox from the highest to lowest sentiment score followed by latest activity. Sentiment score is available when AvoAI is enabled for your org. To know more, check here.
Sort by Lowest Sentiment
Selecting this option will sort the inbox from the lowest to highest sentiment score followed by latest activity. Sentiment score is available when AvoAI is enabled for your org. To know more, check here.
How do I clear filters?
Clicking the “Reset” button above the Filters & Sort section will clear all filters and refresh your conversation list.
What do the Pause and Refresh buttons do?
The pause button will prohibit new tickets from showing up in your inbox. This can be useful in periods of high volume if you would like to pause distractions. This will not interrupt messaging service or auto replies.